
In our guiding statement explanation, we state ‘In Order to share Jesus, we also have to be in relationship with Jesus. We do this through prayer, Bible study, church attendance and fellowship with our fellow believers.’ Redeemer has several opportunities to come together to study the Word of God.

Table Talk with Pastor Brian

During the Covid19 induced shutdown in 2020, Pastor Handrich began leading a Zoom fellowship & study group that has explored a variety of topics. Participants loved it. It continues to meet regularly on Wednesday nights at 7pm and is open to anyone.

Table Talk will resume on Wednesday Night September 18th at 7pm with a study of the book of Esther.

Resources for Table Talk will be available under the Table Talk Study Resources Tab

Women’s Tuesday Night Zoom Bible Study

A New study began on Tuesday Sept 10th. 

All of the Zoom meetings will begin at 7pm.

Please call Redeemer’s church office at 973-383-3945 for information to join our group. Remember to provide your name and contact information.

Sunday School

From September to May, Sunday School classes meet at 10:00am. There are classes offered for ages, pre-school to adult. The children are studying Bible lessons that teach us to love, learn and live out God. Please contact the church office for more details. 973-383-3945

Sunday Adult Study

Visit the Seasonal Study Tab for study materials

Click here to join the study via Zoom

Lay Deacon Peter Naumowicz, facilitator