About Us
Redeemer Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). We were chartered in 1954 and have been sharing the love of God through Jesus Christ with the surrounding communities since our founding.
As a LCMS congregation, we adhere to the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod beliefs, teachings and doctrine.
Also please visit our ‘What We Believe’ tab.

Please see our ‘History’ page for our development and activities over the earlier years.
Our Mission and Vision Statements are:
‘The Mission of Redeemer Lutheran Church is to reach the lost, comfort those in need, and build the body of Christ by proclaiming the truthfulness of God’s word in love.’
‘We see Redeemer Lutheran Church becoming a cross-generational gathering of Christ’s disciples
meeting together to worship in Spirit and in truth, serving our neighbors with joy, praying for our own needs and the needs of others, supporting each other in word and deed, carrying the message of our redeemer, Jesus Christ, even unto the ends of the earth.’
We use various ministries to witness to the community and build up the body of Christ. These have included:
- our outstanding preschool (celebrating their 50th anniversary in the fall of 2023)
- Vacation Bible School
- an annual Trunk or Treat event
- several Living Nativities (including a drive through Nativity during the pandemic in 2020)
- our new Fire Pit fellowship
- and actively supporting Manna House ,Today’s Choice Women’s Center and other local efforts in the greater Newton area.
We build up the Body of Christ by celebrating the Lord’s Supper at our regular Sunday worship service, maintaining an active prayer chain with periodic prayer meetings, and regular studies of God’s Word.
In 2022, we participated in a Clarity initiative that had the goal of focusing our efforts with a renewed purpose. One of the results was the development of a guiding statement that will be a bench mark for our future activities. The explanation of the Guiding Statement follows.